Tag: health



When I’m really anxious, I have the urge to run. I NEED to run. It might start out as an urge to hide from a situation, but the innate sense to just GO is so strong, if I don’t, I will have a panic attack. 

I ditched therapy for improv

I ditched therapy for improv

First off, CBT therapy is very effective for treating anxiety and it has definitely helped me. I am super picky with therapy and therapists. When you and your therapist get along and just click it’s magic. I call going to therapy going to the Brain 



So I have really vivid dreams and I hate them. I wake up exhausted and I need a few moments to sort out what’s real and what was a dream. Occasionally I get my dream memories and real memories mixed up. I’m not a lucid 

My experience with medications

My experience with medications

There’s a lot you don’t really find out about going on psychiatric drugs until you’re in the throes of it. Recently some of the side effects have been driving me a little crazy, so I thought I’d share some of my thoughts. Escitalopram (Cipralex/Lexapro) is 

Where to Shop Canadian!

Where to Shop Canadian!

After being away for a year I have come back with a stronger sense of national pride. I got the sense that Canada is like the “cool” place to be from. Like, if you say you’re from Canada people are all, “Oooo Canada! Your PM 

How I found The One

How I found The One

How I chose a breed and breeder Deciding on a breed. What I wanted: Low-shedding 30lbs ish A running buddy Intelligent Goofy Previous positive experience with similar breed   The low shedding and positive experience with the breed was really important. I have had allergic