August Bloo

How I named my dog
In my head my dog’s full name is August Bloo. August because August is the best month of the year.* However, August didn’t make it “officially” because I couldn’t find an ID tag that would fit “August Bloo”. Also it would be kind of long to say. But I blame the inadequately stocked pet store.
On the bright side, I must admit bloo does look pretty stupid on official documents and that’s all I really wanted – a good ol’ chuckle.** I also insist on all lowercase on official documents because it’s (hilariously) annoyingly pretentious.
Bloo was inspired by a character from the Cartoon Network series Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends. The basis of the show is that when children grow up their unwanted imaginary friends are sent away to an orphanage. One of the main characters on the show is Bloo, who is the protagonist’s meddlesome imaginary friend.
I knew I wanted to name my first dog bloo because it was the dog I have always wanted and never had.
Additionally, the name is fitting because many times over the last year when I’ve been overcome with anxiety out in public, I imagined bloo walking by my side. So, yes, I had an imaginary friend at 21…
It’s strange to write that out, but it’s basically dog themed meditation and meditation is what the cool zen kids do. Therefore, having an imaginary dog is cool. But seriously, Idea Bloo, has been one of my key tools to whip out when I’m anxious and out in public – something subtle to distract from other unhelpful thoughts.
And there you have it. That is how I named my dog.
*Why August is great:
- You’ve settled into a summer groove.
- Long night chats around fires.
- Cool nights when you can wear sweaters again.
- August is a feeling.
- August is the best.
** Create the joy you wish to see in the world!